The story that was no story…

The 15 ‘hostages’ who were not really taken hostage have been released and returned to Britain to the fury of the gutter press, who desperately wanted a story with some bloody ending.

Now leading tabloid The Sun eventually bought the story that wasn’t even a story for a six figure sum, and with the blessing of the Ministry of Defence they are attempting to make the Brits look a little less stupid – with little success!

Choosing to focus on Leading Cunt Faye Turney wasn’t that smart after all: an obese chain-smoking woman conforming to the stereotype of British women as not excessively brainy, negligent parents, etc, etc…
“I feared I’d never see my daughter again!”
Oh my!
What did she expect?
What the fuck was the mother of a three year old daughter doing in the Gulf anyway?

And the paper explains “her ordeal” with two photos :

“Oppression in Iran: Faye was forced to wear a headscarf” (with printed floral pattern) in Tehran.
And “Freedom in Britain”: A photo without headscarf!

At my corner store here in London they sell perfumed toilet paper of the brand “Freedom”. It comes in four different pastel colours plus white. I chose white, and back at home I ponder the philosophical implications of the word “Freedom” in this context.

~ by harryflaker on 11 April 2007.

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