Prince Harry: Put me on Iraq front line


My namesake Prince Harry hit the front page again last night by threatening to quit the army unless he’s sent to “the front line in Iraq”.

It may well be the best solution to all involved, and sparing the Army the trouble of deploying an extra brigade to protect the prince. Photo opps could be arranged in some other sand pit, and he could be awarded some appropriate medal for bravery.

The poor sod has apparently not been informed that the UK is not officially at war with Iraq and that there is no fucking frontline!

The UK alongside the US are the liberators of Iraq and they are policing the country on request by the Iraqi government – or?

The prince is quoted as having said: “There’s no way I’m going to put myself through Sandhurst and then sit on my sorry arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country.”

The worldview apparent in the statement above is slightly problematic, I’d say. Why can’t somebody tell him that Iraq is no part of the UK and – in spite of the rich oil fields – nowhere near the North Sea!

But of course the young prince wants to see real fighting and prove his manhood and kill a few of them nasty Muslim fuckers. And it would of course be grudging towards him, not wishing him happy hunting!


Meanwhile the tabloids busy themselves by setting up “dream dates” for his brother William. That woman Paris Hilton (whose name indicates she’d be capable of accommodating numerous men at a time) has been suggested probably being sufficiently inbred, and has been quoted as saying that she likes the sound of “Princess Paris”…

Now it appears that her parents weren’t that bright either, giving her a man’s name in the first place, but just as with young Harry’s problem with political geography – couldn’t someone just tell her???

Prince Paris (the name means “defender” in Greek) was a son of the last King of Troia (“Troy”) and he caused the war with Sparta by seducing Helene, the queen of king Menelaus, and refusing to return her. Consequently he caused the downfall of Troia and the death of his father.

Doesn’t anyone read the classics anymore?

~ by harryflaker on 27 April 2007.

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