Cybersex with underage avatar police case

New rape statistics for London has been published. Not surprising Lambeth is on top of the list, followed by Southwark. The variations between neighbouring boroughs are in some cases as much as 50% and the total number for last year 2,304 or 6.3 for every single day.
This is all of little interest to me, but the comments from a Jenny Jones at the Metropolitan Police Authority are very interesting: Possible explanations for the variations are said to be higher numbers of single women living in central London and “higher prevalence of bars where attackers might target victims.”
Then she states:

“Unfortunately I think it is about the way women are treated when they report a rape, detection rates, and whether the victims are deterred from coming forward.”

And that is the politically correct line, of course! Some feminist angle!

The problem is that Lambeth tops the list of every kind of violent crime, so I guess that the above comment translated into murder cases should read: “Unfortunately I think it is about the way the victims are treated when they report a murder, detection rates, and whether the victims are deterred from coming forward…”

The interesting twist is that a high number of reported rapes in an area suddenly are made to look like something the police should be commended for…

But the problem is, if not racial, cultural: Those nasty, ever-stoned Rastafarian freaks dominating the street scene in Brixton (Lambeth) are prone to violence, and they react violently to the slightest provocation. They are a menace and constant threat to bye-passers, and when I go out here at night occasionally and they harass me for bus money it is very unpleasant indeed!

And then I read about the German police in Halle who have initiated a crime investigation regarding to a case of virtual child sex on Second Life!!!

I find it amazing! What was the age and sex of the person behind the avatar? (I smell a deliberately calculated provocation here!)

But of course it provides career opportunities for real paedophiles, who I expect will join the police force en masse and surf the web for kiddy porn and chase virtual sex offenders – and get paid for it!


~ by harryflaker on 11 May 2007.

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